Elizabeth Owusu

May 30, 20212 min

The Promise is Waiting

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

  • Matthew 19:26

Hiking is the worst yet best activity I’ve ever done, but the journey was grueling. Throughout the hike up my calves were burning, my feet felt numb, and I was extremely out of breath. Going through all of those physical reactions almost caused me to turn back around, but I didn’t. Why? Because I kept hearing about what was ahead.

As we were hiking up the mountain, the people coming back down were cheering us on and telling us how much the view was worth it. I couldn’t stop because what was at the top was known to be so beautiful and breathtaking. That is what keeps me saying yes every time I have the opportunity to go hiking. Even though I've seen how difficult the journey is, I know the destination will be worth it.

I’m currently studying for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and in many ways, this journey resembles going on a hike. For the past few weeks, I’ve woken up in the morning anxious. The fear of wasting an entire summer studying and not hitting my target score replays in my mind. But, studying, and gathering all the materials needed for my application is a part of the journey.

It doesn’t feel good to spend hours studying and brainstorming topics for a personal statement, and the thought of quitting has crossed my mind. But for some reason, I can’t because I know the path that God has laid out for me is beautiful. The impact I’ll be making as an attorney will be for the glory of God. This path has been spoken over me, God said it, and in the world, it was confirmed. I can’t quit just because the journey is taxing.

To move forward, I need to change my mindset and practice discipline. For anyone out there who has been lacking motivation or being beaten down by the journey, I feel you, I see you, and I am you, but we can’t let the journey take us out. Get up, keep walking, and don’t turn back, because there is a sweet view ahead. I encourage everyone to go hiking at least once so this vision becomes real for you.

In this season, the Lord is instilling discipline even when I don’t feel motivated. He’s building stamina in all of us, so let’s keep pushing because the purpose is waiting for us at the top.


Girl with Grace
