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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Owusu

Focus on Your Mental Health: Keys to Effective Advocacy

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

- Ephesians 4:16 NLT

Last week, I decided not to post any content until I could get all my thoughts together. The murder of George Floyd became more and more real as I witnessed movements across the country fight to get him justice as well as to end systemic racism within the criminal justice system. For the first time, I’ve witness people who normally do not speak up about racial discrimination, finally, speak. People are physically and verbally standing with the Black community as allies instead of retreating to silence. However, as my heart was warmed by the outpouring support given to the black community, it occurred to me that although we’ve made progress, we still have so much work to do.

This week, after social media was flooded with traumatic experiences, advocating other and methods to show support, I was overwhelmed. Initially, I felt selfish for having this reaction because these pieces of information were vital to bringing awareness to the systemic racism in our country. With millions of people around the world advocating to end the systemic racism towards the Black Community, I also want to stress the importance of taking care of your mental health. Spending hours a day on social media or watching the news can become draining if it’s not done productively. Whether you are a part of the community or have become an ally, take note of your mental health during this time. Remember that your contribution to this cause can only be as good as your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Taking care of your mental health entails finding the method of advocacy that works for you. Whether it’s raising awareness on social media, participating in a protest, signing petitions, or donating to an organization, find the method that is the right fit for you! God has given each of us a gift to contribute to His kingdom and it’s important to use those gifts during a time like this. If you’re feeling helpless and unsure of how you are supposed to advocate, spend some time with the Lord and let Him speak to you. It is okay for your method of bringing awareness is not conventional as long as you’re following the will of God. Pressuring yourself into an advocacy method can take a huge toll on your mental health and what’s right for everyone else may not be what’s right for you.

In times like this, it can easy to isolate yourself from everyone else. Maybe you are afraid of saying the wrong thing or unsure of how you’re feeling. Isolation can feel comfortable but that’s not how God designed us to deal with our issues. If you feel like your thoughts are spiraling out of control don’t be ashamed, it’s completely normal! The next step is to work through those thoughts and emotions productively. Isolation allows the enemy to plant negative thoughts in your mind causing your mental health to take a downturn. Many members of the Black Community have become numb to the effects of systemic racism because it has been our reality for a long time. However, now is a better time than ever to find the right community of people to voice those suppressed and internalized feelings too. Even though isolation can feel like the best way to cope with your emotions, it can cause your emotions to consume you. This is a time where we need to uplift, protect, and educate one another, so try to fight against isolation.

Although it is important to surround yourself with the community, it is also crucial to know when it’s time to take a step back. Constantly experiencing, reading, and learning about the trauma caused by discrimination and racism can be draining. If you feel like this is taking a toll on your mental health, take a step back from social media and the news. Set a time to fast from these things so you can spend time with God and allow Him to recharge your spirit. It is NOT okay to turn a blind eye to the injustice taking place in this country, but it IS okay to know your limits. If you struggle with your mental health, don’t try and push yourself beyond what you can handle. Allow God to step in and surrender everything you are feeling to Him. Instead of opting to be uneducated, build in some time to fast throughout the day so you are not so overloaded by information.

More than anything, it’s important that everyone is an effective advocate but, the only way you can productively bring awareness is to take care of your mental health first. As a nation, the fight to end systemic racism is dependent on whether or not everyone no matter their racial identity and ethnicity, are doing their part. So this week, as you are embracing your method of advocacy, take steps to make sure your mental health is intact. It can be addicting to spend your entire day behind a screen and forgetting about our basic daily needs.

During these intensively stressful times, make sure you are taking care of yourself so you can be the best advocate God has called you to be. I believe God is going to use everyone’s gifts to contribute to this powerful movement to end systemic racism within the criminal justice system. 2020 is going to be the year that He gives the vision of what He wants the world to look like, and He is making it clear that racism has no place in His kingdom. There are so many resources that allow us to bring awareness to modern-day racism so let’s use them. Everyone’s method of advocacy matters and is apart of making an impact in fighting against this injustice but remember, your advocacy is only as effective as the state of your mental health.


Girl with Grace

Photo byJosh HildfromPexels

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